Healing The Deeper Wounds For Fertility

“ ‘The Problem’ is rarely the real problem.” Louise L. Hay

So I thought my problem was my infertility. But it was, merely, a symptom of the day-to-day emotional buildup of the last 32 years that I had not dealt with in any form.

Years of me pushing the pain down

Years of pressing the fear down

Years of suppressing the anger down

Years of me depressing my true nature

The pattern was always there and it was always in the downward direction and I believe affecting my fertility.

When I began allowing it all to come up and out through acupuncture, it released all of the stuck energy in my body specifically my sacral area.  After a year of trying “on my own”, it took me 9 months to get pregnant once I started on this particular path.  My true magical self was being born again in many ways.  I was focusing on myself for once (and still trying!).  My journey helped me to CREATE again and again and again.

Louise L. Hay’s book, “You Can Heal Your Life”, was a helpful stepping stone for me in finding how to love myself.  She walks you through the process of healing.  I still use this book today because let’s face it, it’s a lifetime of work.  If you go through my list above and use Hays’ book to analyze various ailments that I had, one can see how our physical bodies manifest our emotional inner beings.

Problem Probable Cause New Thought Pattern

Anxiety Not trusting the flow and the process of life I love and approve of myself. I am safe.

Acne Not accepting the self I love and accept myself where I am right now.

Blackheads Small outbursts of anger I calm my thoughts and I am serene.

Yeast Infections Denying your own needs I now choose to support myself  in loving, joyous ways.


It’s a good start, but also working with someone using a modality that works for you is also very important.  (Yoga, Acupuncture, Chinese Herbalist, Reiki, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Chiropractor, Alexander, Feldenkrais, Therapy with a licensed practitioner etc…) And I am always here to help and be of service using Yoga practices as well as Energy Healing.

Be Well! Carry On, Goddesses!


Hay, Louise L. You Can Heal Your Life. Carlsbad, California: Hay House, 1999.


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