The Magic Fertility Pill

Where was that magic pill? I wanted it and I would have paid anything for it. When I asked around, no one was able to give me the answers I needed or they wouldn’t spend the time to talk with me (AKA Doctors). I, too, found it difficult to get pregnant. When I heard I was infertile from my midwife, I knew in my core that it was not true. More so because I had been pregnant when I was younger and knew I had the ability to conceive a child. After a few months of invasive tests, taking temperatures daily, recording my ovulation, having timed sex, everyday sex, I began to explore the other options (Drugs, IUI, IVF). But again, something in my core told me that this was not the option for me yet.

One day, while I was sitting in the Midwife’s office, an intern came in to speak with me. She asked me about my health and well being. I revealed to her that I had digestive issues and she suggested I see the acupuncturist in the group. THAT was the day my life changed forever. I found that through lifestyle changes and understanding myself better, mind, body, and spirit, I was able to feel empowered on my journey to become pregnant. I also understood that if I chose to use other means to get pregnant, my whole self was ready. The magic pill was: ME.

When I finished having my three children, I knew I wanted to help other women find their fertility path. Using the knowledge that I have gained throughout the years, I know I can guide you through the matrix of understanding you and your body.

Be well! Carry on, Goddesses!


The 3 Drugs That Messed With My Ability To Get Pregnant