1 Step To Changing A Diet For Fertility (revised)

The first thing Doctors and others will tell you is that you should change your diet.  But what does that mean?  Things are hard enough when you are on this journey and now the biggest task of all is added to your list. I did change my diet, but slowly.  Also, I was never comfortable with the word “Diet” because it came with a negative connotation for me.  And when you are going through fertility issues the last thing we need is negativity.  One day I was fortunate enough to meet a yoga instructor who changed the way I will think about dieting forever.  She uses the word “Nourishment” instead of “Diet”.  What are some foods and beverages that nourish you and only you?

When I talk to others about changing their eating habits, I usually say to start small.  Because if you go all out, then your body will reject that as well.  And we have all seen that pattern before.  So where should you start?  Water.  We are made up of 60% water, so go to the source.  And believe it or not, I do not like water (there are many of us out there, but only a few will admit it!)  If you like or love water, even better. You are one step ahead of the game.  

In the morning my first beverage is lemon water in the spring and summer.  I like my water warm, so I use cold water and boiling water and squeeze a quarter of a lemon into a 16 ounce glass. For autumn and winter, my acupuncturist suggests putting apple cider vinegar in your water, since it is more warming than lemon in the cooler months.  Start with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a 16 ounce glass.

Begin your day drinking lemon water or apple cider vinegar water and go from there. After about a week begin adding and deleting different parts of your diet.  For instance, if you eat bread with every meal, try eating bread once a day. You can create a nourishing regime that works for you by incorporating more whole foods and slowly getting rid of processed foods.  Or sometimes I ask myself after eating a certain food: How do I feel afterwards? 

Finding nourishing foods can be challenging for many.  My advice is to find a friend or someone who can help you navigate the grocery store. I have helped with cleaning out cupboards and accompanying friends to the store to locate the right kinds of foods.  It can be easy and fun if you have the right support.

How will you nourish yourself today? 

Be Well! Carry On, Goddesses!



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