Checking In Or Checking Out

I used to be really good at checking out...and then it stopped serving me so well. Like the waves of the ocean, it would all come crashing down on me usually in the form of angry outbursts.  When working through fertility, it was pointed out to me, more than once, I needed to start taking care of myself.

This vacation, I was all about checking in with what I wanted to do.  Since I am a work in progress, I was able to check in more often than check out.  The ocean was a constant reminder for me to come back to myself each and every time.  The ocean shares its water with the shores and then recedes to replenish again.

My steps for Checking In:

Get quiet

Ask the question


And Repeat.

“Trust your instincts, Intuition doesn’t lie” @oprah

An answer will come. Maybe not in the form you are seeking.  It may be a feeling, sound, sensation, voice, or an image.  This takes some practice, but when cultivated, the rewards are endless.

Finding your fertility path can be challenging and I am here to help.  Please reach out to me whenever you feel called and we can create a new path using your inner guidance.

Life is hard.  But “We Can Do Hard Things” @glennondoyle

Be Well! Carry On, Goddesses!


Happy (Almost) New Year to Me!


Ugh...Just Relax!