Ugh...Just Relax!

Oh no, she didn’t just say that is what you might be thinking and please not another friend, relative, mate, or blog to tell me how to stress less, especially when trying to conceive. 

I know...I hear you!

One of the most overused words today is Stress.  I wish there were a different word.  I feel, as though, the more a word is used, the more we become desensitized to it. We have forgotten the true meaning. When this happens, I like to ask myself some questions.

What does it look like for me? 

What does it sound like to me? 

What does it feel like for me? 

For each person, it varies completely.  Especially in our handling of it.  For me, I have to be aware of my breath and make sure my feet are planted on the ground throughout various times of the day.  Or when my mind starts to race and I notice I am repeating the same thoughts over and over again, I have to stop and breathe.  Meditation also helps to get me back on track.  However, I can only accomplish this in the morning before I get out of bed.  As you may or may not know, yoga has always transformed me, especially when I was trying to conceive.

Here are six relaxation techniques that can help you to reduce stress. Try one! Or contact me to guide you through various ones. (

1. Breath focus.

2. Body scan. 

3. Guided imagery. 

4. Mindfulness meditation. 

5. Yoga, tai chi, and qigong. 

6. Repetitive prayer.

Be Well! Carry On, Goddesses!


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Intuitive Healers For Fertility Warriors