Feng Shui All The Way - Clearing Space To Make Room For A Baby

So when I heard rearranging my furniture could help me to get pregnant...sign me up was all I kept thinking.  I was willing to try anything including changing every last thing in my house.

The thing is that getting rid of things in our homes feels good most of the time.  And changing things around, changes our perspective of it.  Similar to taking a vacation, it seems so relaxing and so much more beautiful in a new place.  Until you miss home, and you discover the beauty in your own environment again.  It’s like a refresher!  Or when you walk into a certain space and breathe a little lighter because it’s calming... same idea (Spas do this for me every time!)

Step One: find a book to help.  I am a researcher! I research, research, and research some more. The book I ended up with was called “Feng Shui For Dummies”. (I’m sure you’ve seen this series of books...they make them for just about every subject in the world).  This was also before computers and our phones gave us all the answers too.  I needed to start with the basics and I did!  I figured I could make this happen on my own.  

But then I started to feel overwhelmed and couldn't figure out where to start. Enter a Feng Shui specialist to help me in this endeavor.  She was amazing and guided me toward the important rooms to focus on at the time. In the end, the room in which “the baby” was potentially going to sleep in was filled with old crap and furniture.  The specialist suggested we “clear out” the room and make way for the being that would one day occupy the room.  We set to work, my husband and I….it was fun to make room for someone else to hopefully come live with us.  

Can Feng Shui help you on your journey to becoming pregnant? Maybe, maybe not.  I figured the more interpersonal and spiritual work I did for myself, the better my chances were to conceive.  Like I’ve written before, give it a try, you’ve got nothing to lose!

I’m here to help and serve you as well.  Feel free to contact me and ask away.  Until next time...

Be Well!  Carry on, Goddesses!


How My Best Friend’s Rainbow Costume May Have Helped Me To Get Pregnant


Fertility Tests Didn’t Give Me Any Answers