How My Best Friend’s Rainbow Costume May Have Helped Me To Get Pregnant

My best friend is a super creative type. Throughout our friendship, she would offer up some new found knowledge and I would try to wrap my process-oriented brain around it.  The Chakras were introduced to me by her one Halloween night. She dressed up like the Seven Energy Points in our body.  There was only one person at the party who guessed her costume correctly (a guy from California!)  Do I wish I had a picture of that night!  Anyway, she explained to me how each part of the body was associated with a particular energy.  When one area is blocked, that particular area of the body may not reach its full potential.

The area that involves Fertility is the Second Chakra (Procreation, family, fantasy, creativity, sensuality). However, depending upon the person and their struggles a different chakra may be blocked.  The Second Chakra is located in the genital area and the color is Orange

The question that can be associated with this chakra is:

Do I feel inspired and passionate?  

For me, the day I ended my job, which was not inspiring me at the time, was the day that I conceived my child.  Because in the next few weeks after I decided to quit, I discovered I was pregnant.  For some, quitting your job is not an option.  However, you can still find inspiration in other avenues of your life.  Find your creativity... and your potential to conceive will open up. 

The same for relationships.  Let’s look a little deeper into them.  What is occurring in your relationships (self, significant other)?  Sometimes, our relationship with our partners is strained due to the stress of trying to conceive. You can find counseling.  I did!  And our relationship improved because of the techniques we learned in that workshop.  Often, it's not your relationship with your partner, but with a family member that completely stresses you out.  There are ways to make amends without getting the whole family involved.

So what can you do NOW to help this Chakra: Acknowledge It.  Then, get quiet and ask yourself: What inspires you?  What are you passionate about?  Begin the sentences with I FEEL...Finally, find ways to carry out your answers.

My best friend might say: Orange Up Your Life! Eat, Drink, Dress, Decorate. One of my first Orange purchases was an Orange yoga mat. It helped me to remember to focus on the bigger questions at hand and dare I say, maybe, all that Orange helped me to achieve my goal.

Be Well! Carry On, Goddesses!


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