Unicorn Root - A Fertility Tonic

“You have everything you need to make magic. You always have.” @sethgodin Sometimes the Universe has so much more to offer us, if only we are willing to get quiet, and hear the answers to our questions.  That is how I happened upon this amazing Indigenous herb.  But, also, how I am called to help heal each individual in the moment.

False Unicorn Root  aka Chamaelirium luteum - Greek: Chamai = "on the ground", leirion = "lilly", lutes = "yellow".  Blazingstar, Devil’s Bit, Fairywand, Helonias

False Unicorn Root has been used for centuries as a fertility tonic and can: (@yinovacenter @jillblakeway)

  1.  Strengthen the uterine wall

  2.  Promote the growth of follicles

False unicorn is a traditional Indigenous herb. The underground stem (rhizome) and root are used to make medicine.  Medicinal use: Is one of herbal medicine’s best tonics and strengtheners of the reproductive system. Though it is primarily used for the female system, it can be equally beneficial for men. It is known to contain precursors to estrogens, however it acts in a way to normalize function. The body may use this herb to balance and tone and thus it will aid in apparently opposite situations. While being of help in all uterine problems, it is specifically helpful in delayed or absent menses. It is also indicated to prevent threatened miscarriage and ease vomiting associated with pregnancy. Pharmacy: Powdered root: 1-2 g. Decoction: 1 tsp/cup water, 1 cup TID. Tincture: (1:5, 45%),  3-5 ml TID.  Fluid extract: (1:1, 45%), 1-2 ml TID. Toxicity: In large doses, it is a cardiac poison and will cause nausea & vomiting. Contraindications: Avoid in early pregnancy. @thenaturopathicherbalist

As an FYI and to no surprise...modern investigations have not confirmed this, and no research exists about the medical applications of this herb. (https://wa.kaiserpermanente.org/)

“Those who say it can’t be done are usually interrupted by others doing it.” James Baldwin

Be Well! Carry On, Goddesses!


This is ME.


Stay In Your Lane - Words Of Wisdom