Supplements and Tea - I Say Why Not?
A client, recently, asked me about supplements and tea. My response is always the same: Why not? Sometimes, introducing a new regimen into your routine is good for your whole system. Herbs have been used for centuries and have been beneficial in helping various ailments. I find when you begin taking care of yourself and giving your body different nutrients unseen changes begin to occur in the body. I used Chinese herbs that were tailored to my specific constitution and I believe they helped me tremendously.
Some, and certainly not all, products to consider:
Premama - promotes a birth control cleanse and a fertility support regimen.
Pink Stork has made a tea that includes:
Chaste tree berry - has been used to treat menstrual cycle problems and pain, premenstrual syndrome, and menopause. Chaste tree berries may help stimulate progesterone. This is a female hormone that rises 2 weeks before menstruation. It may help normalize estrogen and progesterone.
Red raspberry leaf - is rich in vitamins and minerals. They provide B vitamins, vitamin C and a number of minerals, including potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and iron.
Ladys’ Mantle - is often described as a miracle that prevents many gynecological problems but also helps to get pregnant. Also helps with women who suffer from endometriosis or long-lasting and painful menstruation to get a quick relief by using a natural alternative rather than medications.
Passionflower - is deeply calming, can reduce stress, anxiety, and insomnia often associated with PMS.
Nettle - is used as a general tonic and detoxifier and is said to help fertility.
What are you willing to try? Let me know if I can help you sort through and find the right herbs for you.
Be Well! Carry On, Goddesses!