My Gut Health Changed Everything

Despite all of the bad food and alcohol, I consumed all the way into my 30’s, nothing could have made my gut more weak than the three medications I took throughout those years as well.

The top three that really did a number on my gut were (drum roll please):


The Pill

Accutane (acne medicine)

If I could tell my younger self one thing it would be: do not take these!  They will mess up your gut health forever and completely alter your chances of getting pregnant.  But since I had taken them, now what did I do...Repaired!  Because, yes, your gut health contributes to your infertility.

I know you have heard (or maybe not) a lot about gut health in the past few years.  It's what’s trending right now and for good reason. “It’s been said by some researchers that up to 90 percent of all diseases can be traced in some way back to the gut and health of the microbiome. Believe it or not, your microbiome is home to trillions of microbes, diverse organisms that help govern nearly every function of the human body in some way. The importance of our gut microbiome cannot be overstated: Poor gut health can contribute to leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune diseases and disorders like arthritis, dementia, heart disease, and cancer, while our health, fertility and longevity are also highly reliant on the balance of critters living within our guts.” (

Some changes I made included:

Eating Whole Foods

Taking Probiotics and other supplements

Getting rid of allergens within my system using The Naet Program

The first step is the hardest, so my advice is to start in the morning with drinking a huge glass of water.  I have written about this in my other blogs.  It rewires your brain and creates better choices throughout the day.

Be Well! Carry On, Goddesses!


Supplements and Tea - I Say Why Not?


Trust The Body-ody-ody-ody-ody - Yoga For Fertility