Trust The Body-ody-ody-ody-ody - Yoga For Fertility

During the infertility journey, one may feel as though their body is betraying them in some way.  However, we must realize that some of our thoughts and feelings around infertility come from outside messages.  The messages that we hear have told us that getting pregnant should be easy.  As the months drag by and this isn't happening, we begin to look at our bodies and start the process of criticism.  What is wrong with me?  Why is it so easy for others?  

The hardest thing to come to terms with is your body isn't ready right now.  Right now.  Not a few days from now, months from now, or years from now.  Just right now!  

One way I was able to trust my body again was through Yoga.  Yoga helped me to get back in tune with my body.  To stop seeking outside sources for information.  To stop analyzing. To stop criticizing.

Using certain poses for different times of the month helps tremendously.  Especially slowing down the poses and using the breath to help your body through the poses.

It is a slower type of yoga...Yoga For Fertility.  However, it doesn’t have to be.  There are many types of yoga to choose from.  But I would consider slowing things down a bit since the road to fertility can be stress inducing.  As women, we have a need to slow down and nourish ourselves.

Your body is an amazing tool to help you connect to your mind and spirit. 

2 suggestions:

  1. Try complimenting your body once a day.   

  2. Try one pose to help you relax for 5 minutes a day.

Here is one pose to help with fertility....thanks to the Humble Yogini (Paula Hines) for this amazing illustration.

In this photo, the heart and hips are open allowing for complete relaxation into the pose, as well as, creating an invitation for all that is to come.

In this photo, the heart and hips are open allowing for complete relaxation into the pose, as well as, creating an invitation for all that is to come.

Be Well! Carry On, Goddesses!


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