Reset Buttons VS Easy Buttons

Dive deeper. Go deeper into the work. Do the Work! @the.holistic.psychologist

I was listening to the “We Can Do Hard Things” podcast (@glennondoyle) this week and it was chock full of gems.  One portion of the podcast discussed Reset and Easy buttons.

Reset buttons are all of the things we do to RESET our hearts and minds, get back into our bodies and feel the feelings. The Easy buttons are the things we do to check out, go numb, and not feel.

My Reset buttons are:


Walking the dog


Breath work

Drinking water



My Easy buttons are:

Phone scrolling

Eating sugary foods


Over thinking

Picking at my skin

Simply becoming aware of our habits (easy buttons) puts us on a different path to freedom...  freedom from unconscious behaviours.  The soul nourishing (reset buttons) allows our bodies to heal from trauma and create a healthy fertility environment within ourselves.  We can, then, begin to consciously create what is truly within our hearts.

What are your reset buttons? 

What are your easy buttons?

Be Well! Carry On, Goddesses!


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