WTPH? Phthalates - Big Changes That Affected My Fertility Health (Part One)

I remember the questions my fertility acupuncturist used to ask me and I always found them quite odd, until she explained afterwards what the effects of all of these choices meant for me on my fertility journey.  Do you have carpet or hardwood floors?  What kind of mattress do you sleep on?  Have you purchased a brand new car?

High level of Phthalates (THAL-lates) have been shown to harm female fertility by:

compromising egg development, 

increasing the risk of endometriosis, 

making it more likely to miscarry.

Males sperm quality is affected by damaging the sperm.

Phthalates are used in plastic, vinyl, cleaning products, nail polish and fragrances.  So when I was starting my journey, my acupuncturist again suggested I clean out my home of all toxic chemicals.  Well, what does that mean and what does it entail?  It is a large task and can seem endless at times because Phthalates are everywhere.  

A good place to start is with nail polish, perfume and hairspray since they are the worst offenders and are used daily by many women.

Nail polish - money from manicures went to a Women's Organization instead.  My daughter likes to paint her nails so we use Karma Hues (Karmaorganicspa.com).  

Perfume and deodorant - essential oils work beautifully.  I have been through many brands of deodorant and have finally settled Native (Nativecos.com).

Hairspray - gone and never looked back.

Other easy adjustments to incorporate especially since these items are all about your skin:

Unscented soap and lotions - our skin is our largest organ 

Hair care products  - shampoo and conditioner that is phthalate free.  

Cleaning products - cheaper to buy natural products like vinegar and baking soda than it is to purchase the others.  TikTok has some great hacks for this one!

Laundry detergent and fabric softeners - I have to be honest switching laundry detergents and fabric softener is the hardest because no matter what brand I use the clothes never come as clean.  What I love though is the fact that our clothes no longer smell like chemicals.  My kids and I can smell detergent from a mile away now, especially when their friends come over to play.  

I will stop the list here because it can get overwhelming.  There are small changes you can make that will affect your health in a big way.  So, do what you can right now and in this moment.  

Choose your poison....if there is something you absolutely can not live without...don’t!  Instead get rid of all the rest!

If you want a more extensive list and would like to read the research behind these findings, I highly recommend Rebecca Fett’s book, It Starts With The Egg.

Here are the answers to my questions above and what I did:

Hardwood and carpet - vacuumed carpet regularly - left windows open upstairs as much as possible.

Mattress - Had a Sealy and switched to Healthy Choice Organic Mattress. Remember, this is where, us, humans spend most of our time.  These mattresses are composed of 100% natural Talalay latex, the best quality organic cotton and organic wool. No chemicals, polyurethane foams or wire springs.

Car - I had a new car at the time.  So our fix for that was to leave the windows open as much as possible.

Stay Tuned for Part Two of the WTPH? Phthalates Journey…

Be Well! Carry On, Goddesses!


WTPH? Phthalates - A Fragrance Free Home (Part Two)


How Small Changes In My Kitchen Affected My Fertility